Monday, June 9, 2008

Here She Is, Miss America (Part I)

The great story in this election year is not the fact that a black man or a white woman had a serious shot at the White House. It's the fact that a Senator is now certain to be our next President. And what's more, a sitting Senator will be President. Believe it or not, there are only two (count em, 2) instances in our nation's history when someone went directly from the Senate to the White House, and they both happened in the 20th century: Warren G. Harding, in 1921, and JFK in 1961. Since Kennedy, the only Senators to make it the White House were LBJ and Nixon, both of whom served as Vice-President prior to their takeover at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

Yes, Kerry & Dole, you ran at the wrong time, my friends.

The executive office is about to get a President without executive experience, and that seems to be a-ok with the people Americana. But it does require that we give our humble body of ego-maniacal Senators the once-over. And I think the best way to do that is by holding a good old fashioned beauty pageant. That's right folks, a pageant. Get ready to send in your votes. We have 49 Republicans and 49 Democrats competing for the crown (lucky for us, neither of our sexy aging New England independents- Sens. Lieberman and Sanders- made the cut-off).

Tomorrow, we'll meet our 10 Republican semi-finalists, and then later in the week, we'll meet the Dems. This is open to members of all genders, ages, and parties (except you independents). The only criteria is that you're in the Senate, and you're cute.

I hope you boys and girls are practicing your baton twirling!

For the folks at home: get out your ballots and get ready to rock this vote.

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