Friday, February 8, 2008

Yes, We're Ready For Change. But Not From The Dynasty's Queen.

Hillary is trying to appeal to the youth of America. "Are you ready for change," she asked a youthful group in Washington state.

Yes, fool. But the Queen of the Democratic Dynasty ain't gonna be the one to make it happen. It's like, if Prince Philip ousted the Queen and was like, alright, now it's time for change! Um, no. You're married to the Queen of England! You're not exactly poised to serve as an agent of change, buddy.

If the Brits want change, they'll make a queen of Baby Spice. Or Kate Moss. That's change.

And in America, we'll take Barack. But thanks for the offer, Quillary.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What about Amy Winehouse? Would she represent change in England?elvapnf