Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ok. So if this were an exam, I would have failed. But I feel pretty good about my Golden Globe predictions this year. Got 9 correct out of 14 (for film only), including 5 of the 6 acting trophies. Was thrown by 2 films-- thought Enchanted would go over better (it went 0 for 2) and No Country, which lost Picture and Director. The 2 big wins for The Diving Bell and The Butterfly are very exciting-- the last time a Jewish-American director won a Best Director trophy for his foreign-language film was... well, it was a while ago. I think. (Does Barbra Streisand's win for Yentl count?) Juno went 0 for 3 (Thank God) and Angelina Jolie did not win the big prize. Guess her blackface (or spray tan, whatever) didn't go over so well with Jorge Camara and Noel de Souza (HFPA members from countries where Angie has not yet taken home a live souvenir). 

Also, I know it's like super passe at this point to hate Billy Bush, but I hate Billy Bush. Nancy O'Dell looked ready to hurt him. Wonder if there's any juice on what went down during commercial breaks. I watched the hour long NBC telecast and the LAST thing in the world I needed to hear were Billy Bush's thoughts on the merits of Cate Blanchett's Golden Globe victory. Perhaps that is a little hypocritical as I rant and rave-- who cares what I have to say!--but you can just x out of this blog if you don't like it. Unfortunately, I couldn't x out of the NBC telecast. I mean, I could have, but I couldn't x out Billy Bush. Whatever. He has got to go. He's done. And when he compares Tim Burton and Johnny Depp's teamwork to Scorsese and DiCaprio, you're like, this guy actually fancies himself some kind of intelligent film buff connoisseur. This is the man who said, "Keisha, meet Johnny" at the Oscars 3 years ago. Why is he still here???

With Oscar nominations coming out next Tuesday, look for this loser's posts about the films that MUST be remembered.

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