Tuesday, January 29, 2008

99 Problems...

Marcia Pappas, of NOW, lambasted Sen. Kennedy for his support of Obama. Here are a few of her choicier comments:

"We think that Ted Kennedy, who claims to be a supporter of women's rights, who now has come out and joined the [Obama] bandwagon, is basically saying that a qualified woman, Hillary Clinton, is not qualified enough for him."

"He's joined the list of progressive white men who can't or won't handle the prospect of a woman president who is Hillary Clinton," the release read, "(they will of course say they support a woman president, just not "this" one)."

Pappas insisted that Kennedy's decision was just another example of "good old boys," who have "decided that they will support anybody but a woman... He knows in his heart that Clinton is the best person for the job, and for whatever reasons he seems he's not willing to support her."

(This is all from Sam Stein on The Huffington Post).

Hey Lady! First of all, you don't know what goes on in Ted Kennedy's heart, and you sound dumb when you say you do. Really dumb.

Also, Pappas' argument is, in fact, the whole problem with Hillary's case for the presidency. Being qualified isn't enough. Lots of people are qualified. Chris Dodd was qualified. Joe Biden was qualified. If it were just about being qualified, Hillary would have a long line of Senators, Congressmen and Governors to get in line behind, because they've been qualified for a lot longer than she has.

Maybe Marica should call Bob Dole and kibbitz with him. He could tell her a thing or two about being a qualified loser.

And yes, bitch: white guys are ready to support a woman president. But not this one.

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