Monday, January 14, 2008

YES (Reasons to Hate Hillary)

"I have never seen Senator Clinton lead her fellow Democrats in a successful challenge of President Bush. Never. That's a pretty awful record. Now, it would be one thing if George Bush was a popular president who was hard to defeat politically. But in fact, he is the opposite. He is the most deeply unpopular president of our lifetimes. And Hillary Clinton kept getting her ass kicked by that guy. That's the real criticism that should be leveled against Hillary Clinton."
-Cenk Uygar, Huffington Post

Cenk you very much!

Precisely. Exactly. Hillary was re-elected to the Senate in 2006 by a 2-1 majority, representing one of the most liberal states in the nation. With her name, her stature, and her obvious job security, Hillary could have been a voice-- a real voice, a true voice, a fighting voice-- for any number of issues: the environment, the war, gay marriage. 

In fact, as she was running for re-election in 2006, Spitzer was running to be Governor of NY, and he vowed to draft a bill allowing gay marriage in the state of New York. Here was a moment. Did Hillary seize it, take a stand, speak up, stick her neck out, add her name to a worthy cause, a fight for justice and equality?

Um, no. 

Instead, she toed her self-created moderate line and said, when asked if she would join the Governor and support his measure, "if our governor and our Legislature support marriage in New York, I'm not going to be against that... I'm not going to speak out against, I'm not going to oppose anything that the governor and the Legislature do."

Don't speak out against anything, Hillary. But maybe you could speak out for something, no?


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