Friday, March 21, 2008

Against Her Private Will

"On NAFTA, he took the New York Democrat to task for claiming a career opposition to the measure when recent White House schedule disclosures show that she attended a meeting in 1993 to push for the bill's passage. The Clinton campaign has stressed that she did this only once in five such meetings and against her private will. "
-Sam Stein, Huffington Post

Obama's campaign is saying Hillary is un-electable when more than half the nation believes her to be untrustworthy, according to the latest Gallup Poll.

Forget untrustworthy. If the above is the best defense the Clinton camp can come up with for why she does one thing and claims to believe another, then they're S.O.L.

And besides, who wants a President who willingly admits that her actions do not reflect her beliefs? Isn't she the one who said it's not about words, it's not about what you say, but what you do?

Uh huh.

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