Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dishonorable Honor

"In my view there are two options: Honor the results or hold new primary elections. I don't see any other solutions that are fair and honor the commitment that two and a half million voters made in the Democratic primaries in those two states. Whether voters are clamoring for solutions to the challenges that we face or not, or whether people are coming out in droves to be heard, we have a basic obligation to make sure that every vote in America counts.

I hope that Senator Obama's campaign will join me in working to make that happen. I think that that is a non-partisan solution to make sure that we do count these votes."
-Hillary Clinton

Ok, let's get this straight. I mean, let's really, really get this straight. Clinton's team is proposing 2 options for Florida and Michigan: honor the results of the primary, or have a re-do...

I'm sorry, has everyone lost their minds about this? There were rules. The DNC warned any state that if they disobeyed the rules, their votes would be disqualified. Florida and Michigan disobeyed the rules. Their state parties are to be held accountable for disenfranchising voters. But it was their choice, made with eyes wide-open and full awareness of the consequences.

So where is the justice here? If you break the rules which were clearly established, you're exempt from suffering the consequences?

That's issue number one. Number 2: how DARE Hillary Rodham Clinton even think for one second that the delegates should simply be seated. Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan!!! So that's an option? I'm sorry, I'm baffled.

Someone explain this to me. Please.

Hillary actually believes that the ethical thing to do is to seat delegates earned in a disqualified primary in a state where her opponent wasn't even on the ballot?

Is this for real?

I feel like I'm living in some South American country where voting is being introduced for the first time.

And where was Hillary's outrage BEFORE the primary season began? Back when she was the inevitable choice, I don't recall her being quite so concerned about every Floridian vote counting.

This is the height of absurdity. Because of course, Obama cannot say that he opposes a new vote. He'd look like a pussy. The Clinton's would say he opposes the vote because he knows he'll lose. And he probably would, though not by enough to give Hillary the nomination.

What can we learn from all this? Well, we shall soon find out who does better: those who play by the rules (Obama), or those who bend the rules to suit their needs when it is most opportune for them (HRC & Co.).

Let's hope integrity prevails.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i second that amen! whoever you are "anonymous" -- show yourself!