Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's a Great Day to Be For Obama

Sleep off that depression last night, kids? I hope so. We have the lead in delegates, the lead in the popular vote, more states-- we're on the path.

Now, all eyes turn to Wyoming. Don't brokeback this mountain, cowboys.

"Finally, let's remember that the base of the Republican Party -- cultural conservatives -- is not so wild about McCain. They are accepting McCain with about as much enthusiasm as children take cough medicine. They know they need him, but they really aren't happy about it. The one thing that could energize the Republican base is their inveterate hatred for Hillary Clinton. Clinton would mobilize right-wing base voters the same way that hatred for Bush motivated Democrats in 2006. Why should we help galvanize the Republican base by nominating Hillary Clinton when we have another great choice? "
-Robert Creamer, Huffington Post

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