Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yay Hillary!

Well, you did it, Hill. You proved the impossible. You did what I, for one, certainly didn't think was possible. You showed us that if you act like a Republican, you can win like a Republican.

That was your intention, right? That's why you ran that scary red phone ad, right? You wanted to scare us, just like Bush did in '04. Vote for Hillary, or death to America. Close up on innocent babies asleep.

Well my friends (as McCain says at the start of every single sentence, which is beyond annoying), all I can say is:


The fight goes on. But as Hillary looks forward, I hope we will all look back on these last few days and remember what she did to stay alive. She played the Republican card-- and it worked.

Obama can beat McCain, because Obama doesn't play that game (at least, he hasn't so far). But if Hillary thinks she can out-Republican the Republicans, well, good luck. She's certainly not who I want representing me.

If I want a Republican in the White House, I'll vote for a Republican. Not a wolf in sheep's skin.

I won't forget this.

And I won't vote for Hillary. Not now, not ever.

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