Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Adrienne Rich

I kind of love Rich's poetry. She's tough and complex and difficult, and I must admit, I never fully understand all that she is saying... which makes it a joy to mull over.

by Adrienne Rich

The world's
not wanton
only wild and wavering

I wanted to choose words that even you
would have to be changed by

Take the word
of my pulse, loving and ordinary
Send out your signals, hoist
your dark scribbled flags
but take
my hand

All wars are useless to the dead

My hands are knotted in the rope
and I cannot sound the bell

My hands are frozen to the switch
and I cannot throw it

The foot is in the wheel

When it's finished and we're lying
in a stubble of blistered flowers
eyes gaping, mouths staring
dusted with crushed arterial blues

I'll have done nothing
even for you?


Unknown said...

Hmmm... this one IS tough. What do you think it means? because i'm not really sure, but i kind of love it just the same.

But It's Not Even Leather said...

I think it's about unrequited love... but I think everything is about that these days...

Anonymous said...

I'm working on this poem for English class. So far, I've got she's mourning her helplessness to prevent war AND her lover from leaving her.