Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Do Y'All Make of This?

The Republicans are now ignoring Clinton, not mentioning her in ads or responding to her attacks. Do they just assume Obama is the presumptive nominee, so they don't want to waste their time and resources? That seems too easy, doesn't it? Plus, the longer this fight drags on, the better for them, so why wouldn't they want to keep Clinton in as long as possible?

Do they actually hope Clinton wins the nomination, so they're trying to bring down Obama for her, and ultimately, their benefit? Perhaps.

Here's a snippet from an article on Politico.

"From top to bottom, from McCain down to the youthful campaign and party staffers who work nearly around the clock to get him elected, the working assumption seems to be that the Democratic contest is over and Obama has won.

Even when Clinton attacks McCain, President Bush or GOP policies, the response is either outright silence or snarky, dismissive ridicule about a failed campaign barely relevant enough to merit a response.

“With ads like that, it’s more likely the call at 3 a.m. is ‘Senator, you just lost another superdelegate,’” quipped McCain adviser Steve Schmidt earlier this month when Clinton aired a version of her “3 a.m.” ad attacking McCain on the economy.

In one revealing glimpse into Republican thinking, when McCain quickly hit back with an ad of his own parroting the genre, he incorporated Barack Obama’s name into the response and spent little money airing it.

Clinton, it seems, has been erased from the picture, Soviet-style. Republicans mostly act like she doesn’t exist—an unusual turn of events considering her run of big-state victories..."
-Jonathan Martin,

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