Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Different Rules, Different Winner

Ok, I fucking LOVE this:

"Former President Bill Clinton, speaking to reporters after his wife’s event in Pittsburgh, PA Monday, said that under the republican primary system –- his wife would be ahead by hundreds of delegates.
"I did not actually get the delegates necessary to have a first power of the nomination under the crazy system the democrats have," Clinton said. "If we were under the republican system which is more like the electoral college, she would have a 300 delegate lead "
-Eloise Harper, ABC News

Right, Bill. That's right. If Hillary WERE A REPUBLICAN and running in the REPUBLICAN PARTY she would be winning.

And if Ice Hockey were played in a baseball stadium then the NY Rangers would skate on grass.

I mean, is he serious? Is he fucking SERIOUS?

Either his point is that middle-of-the-road, never take a risk Hillary should have run as a Republican, or simply, the Democratic primary's rules are unfair.

Boo fucking hoo.

If you don't want to play baseball, then go play hockey, but stand on second base and tell me you'd be winning if you had ice skates on.

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