Monday, April 14, 2008

Jane: You're Just That Good

Jane Smiley, wonderful Pulitzer-Prize winning novelist of A Thousand Acres, decries Hillary's rebuttal of Obama's San Francisco fundraising remarks (side note: why couldn't he have said this at a fundraiser in Scranton or Pittsburgh? I mean, the people he offended are already offended that San Francisco even exists to begin with):

"I cannot believe how angry this makes me. I cannot believe that after the last seven and a half years, I can even get this angry. Yes, I know she is pandering to her audience. Yes, I know she will do anything to get elected. Yes, I know that she and Bill Clinton are corrupt to the core, and that I should have never expected anything better of her. But, please, any of you angry white women who still support this craven shill, don't mention it to me. "
-Jane Smiley, Huffington Post

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